Volvo FH2 Globetrotter XL+ Box Trailer- Kattilavaaras Akeri
Packaging The packaging is a typical WSI branded box with the model sitting in an expanded polystyrene tray. There is no information provided about the real truck and a small leaflet is included to advise that the cab should not be tilted as otherwise the bull bar will break. - Features - The steering mechanism does not move far before fouling but it is possible to achieve a reasonably hard lock so interesting poses are possible. The trailer has working suspension with each axle individually sprung. The rear axle steers and a good angle can be achieved. The landing legs at the front can be lowered to support the trailer when disconnected from a tractor, and no unsightly screw threads are visible. Quality -This model is very high quality with limited plastic. The paintwork and graphics have an excellent finish.